In addition to his recognition as a performer, Brooks is regarded as an educated, experienced, knowledgeable teacher of Fingerstyle guitar lineage, instructing students from the traditional to the contemporary, helping keep the legacy of Fingerstyle alive and well.


Online One-On-One Private Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons

personalized Beginning, Intermediate, and Advanced Fingerstyle Guitar Lessons

Brooks offers individualized online lessons as an alternative to in-person one-on-one lessons. Scheduling is flexible, sessions can be taken from all over the world.

Lessons are done via Zoom, typically between 8am-8pm EDT, Wednesdays through Sundays.

Pricing: $100 USD for 60-Minute Lesson
45 & 30-Minute Lessons Available

Pre-pay and bundle four 1-hour lessons and receive 15% off.


Guitar Lesson Gift Certificate


Know someone who’d like to study guitar online with Brooks? A one-hour private zoom lesson makes a great gift for any aspiring fingerstyle guitarist.

Upon completion of your order an email will be sent to you with further details outlining how to schedule the private Zoom lesson with Brooks.